
First PCP Visit – Eight Things to Check Out While Waiting to See the Doctor

On my last post I listed some questions to ask your new PCP. Today I’ll mention some of the things I would look for at the doctor’s office even before I meet with the physician.

The doctor relies upon his office staff, and the caliber of that staff dictates the service you will receive and some aspects of the quality of medical care as well. After all, it is the receptionist who will set up your appointment when you call in, and you will rely on her judgment. So rather than thumbing through magazines or checking your e-mails in the waiting room, I suggest you pay attention to a few things:

  1. Is the waiting area clean and orderly? While the magazines may not be the most recent issues, does it look as though someone takes pride in maintaining a professional appearance?
  2. How courteous is the staff on and off the phone with other patients?
  3. Do they gossip about patients?
  4. Do they seem to be interested in helping the patients?
  5. Are they purely business-like or do are they more personable?
  6. Do they talk about other patients who aren’t present so the patients waiting can overhear? If they use identifying information and discuss personal health information this is a breach of confidentiality.  They may be talking about you someday in front of one of your neighbors.
  7. Do they keep to the schedule or at least inform the waiting patients when the doctor is running late?
  8. When you are brought into the exam room, does the nurse take the time to listen to you and answer your questions?

Now that I have you thinking along these lines, I’d be interested in some other things you look for in a doctor’s office. Please send me your thoughts so I can add to this list. Next time I’ll talk about how to prepare for a visit to your doctor including how to describe your symptoms.

For Your Health – Dr. Bob